Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome aboard!

Hello! My name is David W Henderson, and I have published two books (so far) using  While I am not out to sell anyone on any particular self-publishing service, I do want to say that has been very easy to work with while publishing my books.

I want to let you know that I am (at this point) not making millions selling my books.  But, I am also not taking advantage of their publishing packages that could afford the opportunity to make those millions either.  Maybe one day I will branch out into those offerings, but for now my book sales are all word-of-mouth and blog posts on several sites which I author.

If anyone reading this blog wishes to read a copy of the book for review purposes, please contact me for an electronic version.  Likewise, if you are interested in a print copy of any of my works, let me know. I bought copies to sell directly to readers who do not wish to go through the channels.

I hope to use this blog as a way to talk about my experience in publishing, and have it serve as the official site for my authoring.  I will post hints, tips, and answer questions about self-publishing (as best I can or will help find the answers!).

Welcome aboard, and buckle up!  It's a roller coaster!

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